Philadelphia, PA – Excalibur Medical Education (Excalibur) along with our accredited partners at Global Education Group (Global) are pleased to announce that they have been awarded the National Association of Medical Education Companies (NAMEC) 18th Annual Best Practice Award in Innovative Educational Methods for our activity entitled, “Rheumatology Escape Room: Improving the Day to Day Management of Patients with Rheumatic Disease.” This award was received during the 2023 Alliance for Continuing Education in the Health Professions annual conference in National Harbor, MD.

This accredited CE activity—modeled after an in-person escape room—covers three diverse rheumatology cases, offering learners a series of diagnostic and treatment-related challenges in a rich, immersive online environment. The activity can be accessed by going to This initial escape room was supported by educational grants from Novartis and Pfizer.

To develop this educational activity, Excalibur worked with the graphic design team at infograph-ed. This activity was also recently awarded a Gold Award in the Medical Education category of the Fall 2022 Digital Health Awards.

“There are a lot of challenges to doing this kind of thing right,” said Audrie Tornow, Managing Partner at Excalibur Medical Education. “You need to come up with an architecture that isn't gimmicky and ignores the fact that this is supposed to be education. You need to find faculty who understand what you are trying to do and won't simply try to pooh-pooh the concept. You need to find technology partners who share your vision and show patience as you work through some of the upfront growing pains. To do all of this well takes time, which is not something we always have a luxury of being provided with in the CME world. Fortunately, for this activity, everything aligned to allow us to work through the conceptual and technological challenges to make this concept a reality.”

“It is so rewarding to see a newly developed format come together with a partner who gets the vision and can immediately see the application for their learner community. This award recognition is testament to the subject matter experts having clarity of objectives and content and our scientific designers’ ability to transform this visually and so impactfully in this more gamified activity.” said Karen Roy, CEO & CoFounder, Infograph-ed LLC

“It’s always exciting to see new ideas come to fruition.” said Andrea Funk, General Manager, Global Education Group. “The continuing education space continues to become competitive as many educators and providers vie for learner time and attention.”

For more information about this activity, as well as other innovative Excalibur education, please contact Audrie Tornow, CHCP, FACEHP, at

To learn more about Global, please visit

To learn more about infograph-ed, please visit

To learn more about NAMEC, please visit

About Excalibur Medical Education

Excalibur Medical Education (Excalibur) is a multi-award winning, independent, full-service medical education company that specializes in the development and execution of contemporary, high-quality continuing education for healthcare professionals. Our creative bent drives us to take the “tried and true” and give it a new twist to help maintain learner engagement and accelerate educational impact.

By presenting the latest evidence-based medical data through a variety of engaging, visually-oriented formats, Excalibur seeks to positively impact patient outcomes and support the scholastic journey of healthcare providers across a variety of specialties with evidence-based educational content. We work with numerous association, patient advocacy, and claims partners to help gather quantitative and qualitative data to assess the impact of our education.

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